Did you ever hear the tragedy of darth plagueis the wise. Free delivery on book orders dispatched by amazon over. Star wars legends and millions of other books are available for instant access. And its interesting to think that this character, who i thought had no backstory at all, i thought he was just born in. Whether youve loved the book or not, if you give your honest and detailed thoughts then people will find new books that are right for them. Having seen the downfall of his apprentice in the origianls, plagueis the wise knew that the darkside would inevitably be defeated in star wars 9. Dark rendezvous 2004, and lucenos labyrinth of evil 2005 and darth plagueis. Darth plagueis is considered canon, but only in a minor way. It was one of the reasons why plagueis had been proud to be a muun and always looked at sidious with a sense of displeasure even when teaching him.
Palpatines story is really the best part of this book. At long last, the star wars story of the mysterious sith lord darth plagueis and his apprentice, darth sidious, is revealed. Is there any evidence of incontinuity yet with anything. San hill is a male muun from the planet of munnilist who served as the chairman of the intergalactic banking clan during the clone wars. I was under the impression that plagueis died well before palpatine started his foray into politics but alas i. Books the official darth plagueis discussion thread. What would happen if darth plagueis had killed palpatine. My immediate answer yes yes yes yes, but im getting ahead of myself. So it happened that plagueis s clan father, caar damask, came to be administrator of the treasure world of mygeeto. The force awakens supreme leader snoke played by the ever talented andy serkis is in fact sith lord darth plagueis. In all honesty, when reading the book itself as well as plagueis s own thoughts on the state of the republic, it made me realize just how awesome the sith and the dark side can be.
Why did palpatine kill plagueis before learning to cheat. The position plagueis sought for himself was vicechancellor, pulling palpatines strings from behind. Darth sage saw this world was chaotic, divided by all the petty squabbles, and indifferences that made humans fight one another for power. A masterpiece of intrigue, republic politics and finance, and most of all, an insight into the workings of the sith. Located in muunilinsts own stellar neighborhood, and a fertile breeding ground for nova, artesian, and lowlevel adegan crystals, mygeeto gem, as it was known in the ancient muun tongue was also one of the least. In darth plagueis s case, he becomes obsessed with conquering death and palpatine, as you can probably guess, goes to coruscant to focus on amassing political power. Darth plagueis had the ability to use the dark side of the force to influence midichlorians to create life and to prevent people from dying the only force user to have such a power.
The early portion of the book covers his initiation into the sith and his own training with sith lord darth tenebrous. C3po, also known by his official galactic title, his dark majesty c3po, or the golden killer, is a demonic, destructive and clinically insane dark side entity trapped within the confines of the body of a protocol droid. There is a novel called darth plagueis, a great book to see the rise and fall of plagueis and how sidious began. But i did see the most recent book darth plagueis by james luceno that was written about him and his background, i was given a copy in fact when i was at the last celebration, so i read that and thats fascinating. New york times bestseller the best star wars publication to date. Several years before hego damask iis birth, his father, a forcesensitive muun named caar damask, who worked as a middleranking banking clan agent, met renowned starship designer rugess nome by chance on high port space center. Darth plagueis, remembered as darth plagueis the wise, was a male muun dark lord of the sith and heir to the lineage of darth bane. What im curious about is how much of the whole eu reorganization thing thats happening will affect the darth plagueis book. This book gives insight to to turn an apprentice into a master. Jedi eclipse, the unifying force, and the ebook darth maul. There where they used to stand read online on indbooks. This book has nothing to do with darth sidious, darth plagueis, the dark side, or even star wars. Other readers will always be interested in your opinion of the books youve read.
Darth sidious, who later frames his history and reputed ability to control natural phenomena of life and death as a legend used to lure anakin skywalker to the dark side of the force. For over a year now, its been circulating around the web that the main villain for star wars. It was light on action and heavy on political machinations by the sith as they tipped the force inexorably in their favor. Darth tenebrous, the sith lord behind the birth of darth plagueis. However, sue rostoni later stated that the book had been reinstated, and the novel was to be released on january 10, 2012. Obviously the book in its entirety cant be recanonized because darth mauls origin in the book contradicts his new origin story. Rogue squadron takes an underdeveloped character from the films and carves out a whole uncharted corner of the star wars universe that will please seasoned fans and newcomers alike. Rather than be usurped, she faked her death and put herself in suspended animation. Darth plagueis, they say can use the force to create and fool death. He had such a knowledge of the dark side that he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying. James luceno is the new york times bestselling author of the star wars novels millennium falcon, dark lord.
Stormtrooper xmas is correct this is san hill, a muun from the banking clan who was trained by hego damask darth plagueis but not as a sith just a puppet in the ultimate plan. Darth zannah was the first sith apprentice of the rule of two, a powerful sith sorceress, and incredibly selfish. I knew i could draw you out, darth plagueis, the bith said. Almost a thousand years later, in the clone wars, jedi knight anakin skywalker finds a woman in stasis, a jedi shadow by the name of rain, when. You will never look at the prequels in the same light again. Darth plagueis is one of the best star wars books that ive read. The rise of darth vader, cloak of deception, and labyrinth of evil, as well as the new jedi order novels agents of chaos i. Darth plagueis and over 8 million other books are available for. Initially, the story explores the rise of plagueis as a sith lord. Darth plagueis is arguably one of the finest star wars novels ever written. Space battles will always be a substantial part of star wars appeal, and wedge antilles is the living embodiment of highflying action.
Before darth sidious, there was darth plagueis the wise. While even as a youngster, he is not very likable, i. The entity was responsible for the creation of the sith, and the fall of darth plagueis, as well as playing a massive role in plagueis death and the rise of palpatine. The intergaltic banking clan, trade federation, corporate trade alliance.
Magister hego damask ii of the intergalactic banking clan, darth plagueis backed the. Excerpt from darth sidiouss introduction to the book of sith. Darth plagueis, remembered as darth plagueis the wise, was a male muun dark lord of. Like all sith lords before him, he craves absolute power. However, sue rostoni later stated that the book had been reinstated. He pledged the monetary aid and support for the confederacy of independent systems, and became a powerful and influential figure in the confederacy as he was. It was originally scheduled for release in october of 2008, but its release was canceled. Legacy of darth plagueis the wise chapter 3, a star wars.
Enter your mobile number or email address below and well send you a link to download the free kindle app. Known by the rest of the galaxy as magister hego damask ii of the intergalactic banking clan, plagueis is the one who put into motion the downfall of the jedi order. However, sue rostoni later stated that the book had been reinstated, and the novel was to be. Then kneel before me and pledge that it is your will to join your destiny forever with the order of the sith lords. James luceno takes darth plagueis down the dark path and never looks back.
To rule the galaxy, with the full power of the dark side, forever. Darth plagueis, born hego damask, was a male muun sith lord and magister of the intergalactic banking clan. Then you can start reading kindle books on your smartphone, tablet, or computer no kindle device required. Darth plagueis was a dark lord of the sith who was so wise and so powerful that he could influence the midichloreans to create life. Founded generations earlier by members of the intergalactic banking clan, sojourn had begun as a place of relaxation for the clan s wealthiest clientele. Notable muun were darth sidiouss master, darth plagueis the wise, and the ruling members of the intergalactic banking clan including san hill. Darth plagueis is a novel by james luceno that tells the backstory of the.
This is the leader of the intergalactic banking clan, san hill, who was a muun, just like plagueis. The rise of darth vader, cloak of deception, labyrinth of evil, as well as the new jedi order novels agents of chaos i. Mindblowing things about star wars characters that arent. Muuns are tall and thin humanoids with elongated bald heads. Star wars books about darth plagueis youtini reading guide. This book focuses on two sith lords namely darth plagueis and his apprentice darth sidious aka palpatine.
This book focuses on two sith lords namely darth plagueis and his apprentice. The darth plagueis novel was very unlike many other star wars literature ive read. While i am sure sidious craved the coveted rank of sith mastery, i suspect he may have killed him at the moment he did during the book star wars da. Star wars legends by james luceno from amazons fiction. Many sith lords reigned before him, but its the story of the muun that stands out as one of the most tragic. This is essentially the origin story for palpatine darth sidious and the majority of the book follows the rise of his career as a politician bolstered by his apprenticeship to darth plagueis. Palpatines role during the clone wars as chancellor of the republic and darth sidious is portrayed in novels such as matthew stovers shatterpoint 2003, steven barnes the cestus deception 2004, sean stewarts yoda. Darth plagueis by james luceno from amazons fiction books store. Star wars legends star wars legends book 19 kindle edition.
Darth plagueis is a fictional character in the star wars franchise, first mentioned in star wars. Damask is a wealthy banker, a member of the interstellar banking clan and wealthy, behindthescenes political manipulator. He is the mentor and murder victim of future emperor sheev palpatine a. Darth plagueis is a novel by james luceno that tells the backstory of the dark lord of the sith, darth plagueis. Well, galactic capital politics was havily human biased even before palpatine. Venamis told plagueis that he planned to execute his masters last commandto kill plagueis, and legitimize the title as darth. It is my will to join my destiny forever with the order of the sith lords.
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